Thank you!

We would like to say a huge thank you to all of those that came out and supported us in our fundraiser on Saturday. Through your generosity, we raised over $7,500 to put towards the educational needs of underprivileged children. God is amazing indeed!

We would like to give a very special thank you to Sherrell Gafford and Sissy Copeland. This event would not have happened without you. Both of you went above and beyond; and we are forever grateful for your heart to serve the Lord.

Next, we would like to thank Tarkington Middle School, Principal Michael Kelley and teachers and staff for allowing us to host our event in your facilities, as well as Roberta Lakavage for graciously moving her event to allow us use of the facilities.

Finally, thank you to those who donated items and volunteered their time for the barbecue potatoes, bake sale or silent auction:

Cleveland HEB
CBS Furniture
Victory Gospel Church Worship Team
Sissy Copeland
Virginia Collins
Wendy Robbins
Caren Grigsby
Karen Morgan
Tappy Sims
Jason Bowen
Kathy Frick
Cindy McCarther
Katie McCarther
LuElla Davis
Jeffrey & Rita Collins
Archie & Sylvia Ramos
Amber McGowan
Amie Dayton Fendley
Nancy Bittick
Libby Sparks
Tiffany Rachael
Georgia Yancey
Tanya Archer
Cindy Glogosh
Marilyn Hoagland
Susan Davis
Grace Gibson
Diane Buntin
Rhiannon McHaney
Mace & Lauren Tennison
Lauren Mayse
Tommy & Kristen Culver
Ever So Humble Boutique

And one last thank you to my dad, Bennett Sims, for splitting brisket cooking duties with me, and teaching me how it's done many years ago.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We are so grateful for your support!
Robert & Barbara Sims


Kenya Program


The Year in Review